Thursday, February 14, 2008

Similes and Metaphors

Similes and Metaphors
Govern our love
Eyes like a diamond
Hair like a dove
The thoughts of a writer
A name like seaweed
The words of a thinker
These words that you read
The touch of two hands
One rough and one smooth
One dainty and beautiful
One too cold to move
Our hearts were racing
Our lips occupied
Our arms were embracing
As we sat there and sighed

Friday, February 8, 2008


I will, on this lonely night
While bats and birds are taking flight
While rats and mice are taking refuge
In underground caverns out of sight

I'll plant a thought inside your mind
Of future nights - of future times
Of kisses and cuddles that are yet to be
Of times of joy - I will, you see

Another dimension, another world
Of times of new and times of old
Of perfection; eternal love
With arms around you to kill the cold

Of a love you've never known
An endless love you would have been shown
If this predicament were slightly better
If more compassion had been shown

I've done nothing wrong
With the love that I've shown
Just speaking my mind
And all that I know
Is perhaps it's a sign
This predicament
Or perhaps we chose wrong
Perhaps this was meant
Was it always going to be this way?
Should we suffer or should we pay?
This lose-lose scenario - Why couldn't you stay?
Why didn't you love me? That's what I'll say.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Smaller Fish To Fry

I know I should be working on
Things much, much more important
But I've got smaller fish to fry

As I sit and write this song
I wonder what had gone all wrong
I wonder why those songs are fake
Written just for money's sake

I wonder, wonder when we'll start
To shrivel, cringe into the dark
It doesn't sound very fun
Not to worry - we've just begun

Is Delilah real or not?
Is Sergeant Pepper true?
Did he teach the band to play?
Can he teach me too?

The Nowhere Man - he must be real
He's everywhere around us
He makes our products; cooks our food
And hasn't even found us

I know I should be working on
Things much, much more important
But I've got smaller fish to fry

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Why not?

They are real... these lyrics
written by people
real people
they convey messages
why do I obsess over them?
Because they are true to my life
in some aspects
in others,
not so much
those are for me to write down
to turn into lyrics
to turn into songs
to have the world listen
and then
have somebody else
Were these lyrics written by a person?
Or a machine?
And then they mistake me for a machine
writing lyrics all day
making digital instruments play
making guitar strings vibrate
with robotic hands
to create not a song...
but an .mp3 file
or .wma
or .mpeg4
So many variations of files
just like so many genres
of the actual music
All so different
still music
all of them- even the crappy ones
like rap
and hip-hop
still rythmical
still music
still lyrical
still real
still convey messages
even if the message is vulgar and rude
still a message
do you choose to believe it?

Wait just a minute... What the fuck?

Tell me what’s normal
How should I feel?
Tell me what’s happening
Is it all real?

My feeling of neutral
Has diminished to nothing
What is nothing?
Nothing makes sense

It makes so much sense
But why can’t I handle it?
Why are these thoughts
I’m having so candle-lit?

Things were so clear
But memory’s fading
Things were confusing
And therefore entertaining

Things were so hard
Making them simple
But now they are clear
Clear as my pimples.

And pimples are clear
And bright as can be
From miles away
They can be seen

Yet trouble they cause
Annoyance and strife
They fill me with anger,
Confusion, and life

If this is what life is
Then what is the reason
I’m jotting down thoughts
Without any real treason

Wait just a minute…
What the fuck…
Now I’m confused
Confused like a duck

Now I’m just rambling
‘Bout ducks and confusion
Is it the music?
The Postal Servisusion?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Word Of Advice

A Word Of Advice

A word of advice to the lovers out there
A word of advice, even if you don't care
A word of advice from a lonely misfit
Write it down somewhere if you see fit

We sound like crappy romance authors
Typing our feelings throughout the day
Some of the qualities of good writers
Writers without fans, Writers without pay

We're writers with love, and writers with sense
Writers with words and intelligent thought
Writers who's lives are governed by chance
Getting high on love and not getting caught

Write it all down, if you see fit
Just a word of advice from a lonely misfit
A word of advice, even though you won't care
This is my word to you lovers out there:

Long distance relationships suck.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Blatant Truth

Will these words, these misplaced letters
Will they become a little better
Will I stop to think to back
Back to the day that I first met her

Blatant as these truths may be
They are as truthful as you or me
This bucket full of blatant truths
It's hidden, so you cannot see

You cannot see with eyelids closed
They must be opened, must be shown
They must be shown the blatant truth
The book of secrets must be took

And so, confessions shall be shown
Not from the holder, Not from whom they're owned
More so by the rival, the one who defies
Who defies this defiance of mortal minds